At The Miracle Global Ministries, our Vision is inspired by the scripture 1st Timothy 2:4, which expresses God’s will for all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
PastorOlutomiwa Binuyo
President, TMGM.
PastorOlutomiwa Binuyo
President, TMGM.
Our Tenets
The Supernatural
All Round Excellence
The Supernatural
All Round Excellence
A place where vessels are being molded into the likeness and image of Christ. 2 Tim 2:20-21, Eph 4:12-14, Gal 4:19
A chosen generation of true worshippers. John 4:21-24, 1 Pet 2:9-10
A medium through which the words of God is shared to develop the spiritual life of youth. 1 Pet 2:2
A place where the spirit of God dwells and his manifestation is evident in signs and wonders also there is more of the supernatural. Joel 2:28-30, Acts 2:17-19
A place where grace abounds and youth come to the realization of how they can overcome sin in order to be free from captivity. Rom 16:14, Obadiah 1:17
A place where youth discover their divine purpose and their God-given talent and gift. Prov 8:16
Our activities are geared towards the advancement of the gospel and bringing glory to the name of the Lord only. Mat 28:18-20, mark 16:15-20, Luke 24,Acts 1:8